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Best Tutors on One Great Platform

ElevateScores has been known for an unparalleled commitment to enhance the academic performance of the students.


Elevate the confidence in the students that they have the required knowledge on the subject to fare well in their academic exams.


Inculcating inquisitiveness about the subject and the topics being discussed.

Inculcate the habit of reasoning to understand the concepts.


Develop a positive outlook to excel in academics and perform better.


Pre Analysis test

Determine the strengths and weaknesses.

Implementing EMT methodology to develop an understanding of basic concepts.

Assimilation test to inculcate confidence in the subject.

Regular Analysis based on Assimilation and Presentation.


We have a dedicated team of Mentors 

The mentor facilitates learning and supervises and assesses students regularly.

The mentor and the student on a regular basis have a formal discussion on progress and short and long-term goals.

It helps the students build confidence in their own abilities and encourages them to perform better.


Curriculums We Excel...

Hear It from Our Customers

Middle Aged Woman
“I thank God for you guys every day. The excellent teachers in India have blessed my home and secured a future for my kids.  Both of them making it was a beautiful blessing.  We couldn’t have done it without you guys. Most of all you have kept your promises from our first contact. Whatever you need for promotion let me know..”


Customers review

Our Course Includes

1-On-1 Tutoring 


Our sessions are customized as per the assimilation level of the student.

Regular Feedback

We also conduct Parent-Mentor-Tutor online con-call to discuss the progress and share the feedback.

Assignment & Assessment 

We provide regular assignments to access the understanding of the student on the specific topic

Quality Analysis

Our Quality Analysis team constantly monitor the sessions for its quality and the content.


Our Mentors help the students build confidence in their own abilities and encourage them to perform better.

Support Team

The support team is available 24/7 to process their request related to sessions and the course

Courses include

Access Our other Learnings

Robotics for Kids

Programming Console

Coding to Build Apps, Games & Animations

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Foreign languages

Become a Better Team, Together.

Get connected to the best of the tutors across the globe. The tutors are selected after a rigorous screening process.

With the Right Tutors and Team, Everything Is Possible

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